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Reference: getParameter

getParameter(s) return the system parameter named s, a string. The returned value depends on s, but may be a string, a real number, or a boolean.

s may be any of the following strings:

xmin - the logical left limit of the 2D visualisation window (real number).
xmax - the logical right limit of the 2D visualisation window (real number).
ymin - the logical lower limit of the 2D visualisation window (real number).
ymax - the logical upper limit of the 2D visualisation window (real number).
fullscreen - the AlgoSim main window is in full-screen mode (boolean).
complex mode - complex mode is on (boolean).
true sets - "true sets" mode is on (boolean).
anti-aliasing - anti-aliasing is active in the 3D visualisation window (boolean).
3d lighting - realistic 3d lighting is active in the 3D visualisation window (boolean).
screen width - the width of the desktop in pixels (real number).
screen height - the height of the desktop in pixels (real number).
path - the path of AlgoSim.exe (string).
RTE installed - Rejbrand Text Editor is installed (boolean).
RTE path - the path of Rejbrand Text Editor (string).
winver - the version of Windows (string).
Windows major version - the major version number of Windows (real number).
Windows minor version - the minor version number of Windows (real number).
Windows build number - the build number of Windows (real number).
computer name - the computer's name (string).
user name - the active Windows user's name (string).
CPU vendor - the CPU vendor (string).
CPU brand string - the CPU brand string (string).
CPU feature string - the CPU feature string (string).
ver - AlgoSim version (string).
RTE ver - the version of Rejbrand Text Editor (string).

In addition, getParameter("system metrics", n) is a wrapper for the GetSystemMetrics Windows API function.