Personal preferences
I love:
- Mathematics and theoretical physics
- A reasonable amount of applied physics, too
- (Really) high-end computers
- The Microsoft Windows 7 operating system
- Watching movies (in Windows Media Centre, of course)
- Programming
- Teaching (adults, for God's sake, and at a good university)
- Coca-Cola, but it has to be served at a temperature no higher than 4°C
- AlgoSim
- The Opera (which "Opera"?)
I really dislike:
- Most Swedish TV shows
- Crap newspapers (that is, most Swedish newspapers)
- C2H5OH abuse, especially amoungst youths
- Parties
- 'Social media' like 'Facebook', 'Twitter', etc.
- Injustice, animal cruelty, incompetence, stupidity, peer pressure, bureaucracy, semicolon abuse, disrespectful behaviour, etc.
I hate:
- To hear about young people having sexual relationships. This 'fear' of mine has even made it hard for me to read the news, because every now and then there is an article on the sexual behaviour of teenagers and other youths.