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Andreas Rejbrand’s Website

Ashes of Life-like cellular automata

Bright red pixels form an intricate pattern of clusters and thin strings connecting them, all on a white background. Maybe it looks a bit like red paint.

A huge number of white squares with black borders are scattered across the bitmap; they tend to form horizontal and vertical stripes. Surrounding these are larg(er) red and white regions, seperated by black lines, each region a union of orthogonal rectangles.

A huge number of slightly larger white squares with black borders are scattered across the bitmap; they tend to form horizontal and vertical stripes. Surrounding these are small red and white areas.

On a white background (that you don't see very much of), red regions with black borders are seen. These regions are mainly rectangular, or unions of rectangles. Outside these, there are occasional irregular red regions (without black borders), sometimes with white holes.

On a white background (that you don't see very much of), red regions with black borders are seen. These regions are mainly rectangular, or unions of rectangles.

A cow-like pattern

Black thin curves divide the white bitmap background into many densely-packed round spaces, like small airways and alveoli. Some smaller spaces are partly red (like capillaries).

Opsonized bacteria

Small islands of maze-like structures on a black background

White lakes with red fish on a black background.

Read more: Final patterns of cellular automata and Final patterns of cellular automata, part 2.

All images are generated by Andreas Rejbrand.